Call it life getting in the way, but I've really neglected this blog. The best intentions of mice and men, right? I don't foresee me becoming regular here, but I might as well post when something is swirling around in my head. So here it is, the thought for the week.
God is outside of time, he's not bound by what he created. Jesus as his son, born into man was both within and without human's constraints. As such he aged, but is even so now ageless. Because God exists in all time, that means that for him everything is immediate. For him everything is happening at this moment. All one has to do is look to Revelations to the end of time. It's already been done, because it's happening now. The creation of man is happening right now. For God nothing is fixed, for man everything is. And this applies to the forgiveness of sins.
We go through life and are bound to trip up from time to time. A righteous man falls seven times and gets back up. But to say that your previous sins have any more forgiveness than your current doesn't hold. Christ died for your sins. He didn't die to cover your transgressions up to the point of your asking him into your heart. He was crucified for the sins of man, and that will include every sin you have in your life. Whether or not you accept Jesus into your life and attain salvation, he died for your sins. Those of us who have had or continue to have a recurring sin in our lives, I want you take this thought to heart:
Christ didn't just die for your sins, he is currently dying for your sins 2000 years ago to us. Right now, a father removed from time, is turning away from his child because he can't look upon the sins of man. Right now Jesus is looking up to heaven and saying "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do," and he's not talking about the Romans, and he's not talking about the Pharisees, he's talking about you, and me, and every time we walk open eyed into a transgression. And right now, regardless of where you're at, he's forgiving you, and asking you to take the life he offers.
We've already made him a sacrifice, why let his gift go to waste? Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Perhaps one day I'll write to the nature of sin. But when it comes to blogging and well, most things in life, there's no guarantee. Anyway... In the words of my great grandfather who spoke it every day about the return of Christ, "maybe today".
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