Today I'm not going to be handling a question but rather I want to speak about something I feel God is speaking to my heart. I hope to get back to questions again soon and if anyone has any, feel free to drop me a line.
A personal relationship with Jesus. It's something that gets said a lot in church, but is often overlooked by us each day. After all, we go to church, where we worship, we pray, we speak in tongues, and we learn from the Word; all as a body. Don't get me wrong, it's important to commune with other believers, it's just more important to develop that personal relationship. One way in particular is on my heart today.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. -John 3:16 KJV
Thanks to sporting events it's probably the most famous verse in the bible. With good cause though, since it sums up all it takes to be saved. But I think too often we get stuck in the mentality of Jesus saving the world, and forget that he saved not just the world but also 'me'.
Have you ever really thought about that? For the moment, forget the rest of the world. The world is impersonal, it's ambiguous. Christ didn't die for the world, he died for you; for each one of us individually. For God so loved You, he gave his Son.
How would you feel if someone pushed you out of the way of an oncoming bus and took the full force themselves; a stranger, who you'd never met, pulling you out of the clutches of death and dying in your place? You'd feel grateful to be alive, and you'd feel forever indebted to this man who had saved you. You'd want to get to know who he was, to know his family. Everywhere you'd go, everyone you met, you'd recount the story, telling them how this man had saved your life. It's something that you would carry around with you for the rest of your life.
It's the personal touch.
And it's what happened. Jesus stepped in the way of our death. But how many of us actually believe that? If we had seen him die in the flesh, how different would we be living our lives? For the most part, as far as we're concerned it's something that happened 2000+ years ago. But understand, to God, to his Son, time means nothing. He saw you when he gave his life. He didn't die 2000 years ago, he died today, for you.
And while we go through life fulfilling the day to day tasks, we can't be expected to think about it all the time, but it's something that deserves a moment every now and again. To hide away from the world, close our eyes, and think for minute, He died for 'Me.' That's something for each one of us, and just us. A love that's truly personal.
Great Post! followed :)